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Green Lantern Figure Promo Poster

"And Hal Jordan releases a light year's worth of flatulence to help boost him on his journey to Oa."

Just from the angle here it reminded me of Jordan passing gas and releasing it into a big ball of green energy to speed him into the far reaches of space. I wonder, did it make a sound or was it a silent but deadly occurrence? We may never know the answer to that question but thanks to Comic Book Movie via SpiderMedia, there is this really great promo image of an upcoming Green Lantern action figure based on the movie.

The promo poster looks to be taken from the cover of Toyfare #163 which I was able to find posted on the Superherohype Forums.  On Toyfare's official Twitter page, they mention that the book was unable to ship during the week of the Jan. 12th and assured that it should be out tomorrow. So head to your local shop and grab it before its gone.

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