Tomar-Re and Rot Lop Fan Figures

A few days ago, this figure of Tomar-Re (above) showed up on eBay as a pre-order. It's not been confirmed that this is an actual figure based from the upcoming Green Lantern movie or a custom made by a fan, but it looks to be legit as an official product of the movie. Now Idle Hands Blog has noticed another creature from the Lantern Universe. This time, Rot Lop Fan (right) has been discovered on the Forum.
It's great to see some of the characters that are going to be featured in the movie. There have been sneak peeks and figure leaks showing how the scope of this film will be as close to the comics as possible. My only wish is that we were getting more character designs and actual finished images of these characters in the big screen version itself.

Reader Comments (1)
These are nice but where's the fucking Chaselon figure?