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Official Green Lantern Movie Site Updated

The Green Lantern site has been updated as indicated via HD Room. Its nothing really "new", but it's nice to see some additions to go along with the trailer. A few hi-res stills, a new hi-def trailer (which is gorgeous), synopsis and downloads have been added.

I clicked on the largest size of the wallpapers and began examining the image. The man standing on the precipice, who I once thought was Hal Jordan, looks like Sinestro. There's a shot in the trailer of Sinestro descending in front of a large Lantern symbol and maybe the picture above is the following scene once he lands.

Check the image and see if you can spot any of your favorite Green Lantern Corps members; this is who I've noticed from left to right:

Salaak, Hannu or Kilowog, Boodikka, Apros, G'Hu, Stel. I'm unsure about the floating character. My first guess was Chaselon but it's really not shaped like him and could be a redesign for the movie. Looks like the forms of Salaak, Boodikka, and G'hu were used to place in other spots as filler.

Green Lantern opens in theatres June 17.

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