Green Lantern Re-Shoots

Daily Blam! is reporting that Green Lantern is currently undergoing re-shoots out in Los Angeles. It could be said that the polarizing trailer has WB in a panic to improve on certain scenes. The article debunks that claim saying its only to give the filmmaker's several options for the final product.
I would assume the re-shoots have nothing to do with the mixed reactions from internet groups. Most of what people are complaining about is the CGI suit. Sony Imageworks is certainly deep into finalizing the visual effects for the film.
The suit really didn't look that bad to me in my initial viewing of the trailer. I believe that some of that footage was in early stages which probably wasn't a good idea to release to the public eye yet. In haste, WB tried to get the footage out in front of Harry Potter and it caused a backlash. I have faith that the finished effects will look stunning and unlike anything else we've witnessed for a comic based film yet.
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