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Green Lantern Movie Tie-In Products

The good fans over at Superherohype Forums have stumbled across more images relating to the Green Lantern film. I would assume these are more products directed towards younger audiences.

Kilowog's Challenge boasts over 25 stickers inside and probably has coloring pages for the kids to fill in their favorite characters.

For Green Lanterns Only seems like another book solely for reading. It shares the same "Level 3" orange bar up top as the image released on Jake Black's blog. I've yet to find out if he will be handling the writing duties on this one as well.

Power Of The Lantern has some cool paper models to cut out and fold into various Corps members. My guess would be the basic characters; Hal, Sinestro, Kilowog, Tomar-Re, Hector Hammond and maybe one of the Guardians.

It's great to finally see some frontal images of Kilowog. His face design looks great but from the image above, the body looks a little off. It could just be the angle there as the quick shot from the trailer looked fine. Hal powering up his ring at the batter is one of the best images released yet. I like seeing the majesty of Oa in the background. Things are starting to pick up with the new year ushered in and anticipation is heightening as each new image finds its way to the web. We should start seeing some new stills from the film soon and possibly a new trailer within a month or so.

Reader Comments (1)

-cheap Maurice Lacroix Pontos watch replicasally see some frontal images of Kilowog. His face design looks great but from the image above, the body looks a little off. It could just be the angle there as the quick shot from the trailer looked fine. Hal powering up his

July 27, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterwepepsibv

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