John Stewart Featured In DCUO Animated Short

A quick and fun motion short featuring John Stewart and other members of the Green Lantern universe is up on Youtube. It's a promotional video for the upcoming DC Universe Online video game but doesn't seem like a direct tie-in to that story. Jens Anderson, the creative-director of the game, released some goodies about what to expect involving the Corps members;
"You've got guys summoning up these cool constructs with their rings to battle each other..." "It's like totally unpredictable what's going on because these guys can do anything they want with their powers, with these rings, just bound by their imagination." "I actually saw Arkillo, who is you know a big, tough Sinestro Corps guy, kin of like the Kilowog version of the Green Lantern Corps guy for the Sinestro Corps."
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-Rolex Air King swiss watchesmotion short featuring John Stewart and other members of the Green Lantern universe is up on Youtube. It's a promotional video for the upcoming DC Universe Online video game but doesn't seem like a direct tie-in to that story. Jens Anderson, the creative-director of the game, released some goodies about what to expect in